I thought I'd write something up since I've been asked about my running as of late, and I'm bored recovering from yesterday's long run. I've been in Boulder for three weeks now, and I've finally adjusted to the altitude and gotten my training back to a normal level. I've not been following any strict mileage or training program since I got here, I've just been running up a mountain at least 5 times a week, which normally is 8-10 miles per outing, and I've done two long runs so far (the first being 25 miles and the second be 22).
Now with just under 10 weeks left until Leadville, I'm going to be upping my mileage and I've actually planned (sort of) my training up through 5 weeks out from Leadville). I really don't like following strict plans because I get to involved in the numbers and push myself to the point of injury, but I do like having a general idea of training, so here it is:
The next two weeks:
AM: One of three routes (either Bear Peak, Green Mountain, or Walker Ranch Lollipop)
PM: (Mon, Tues, Thurs)Running to and from the gym (2.5 miles each way) plus weights and ab work
Friday: A flat 8-10 mile run (most likely Boulder Creek Path)
Saturday: Long Run (5-5.5 hours)
Sunday: barefoot on Kittredge for recovery
I hope to hit about 100 miles per week each of these weeks. My mileage has been somewhat low for 100 mile training, but it's been very focused. I don't worry about hitting high mileage when I climb 3000' in a 7 mile run.
Anyway, the week after that will be fairly light for recovery purposes. I'll probably just climb once or twice that week and focus more at the gym and on cross-training. Then I'll have three weeks before I peak for Leadville.
Those three weeks will be similar to the upcoming two, with the exception being that the middle week will not have a long run (or it won't be out of the teens at least), and the third week will end with 100 miles in 2-3 days (fastpacking the Leadville Course). Then I'll have a recovery week when my mom comes to visit, and two more weeks of training before I start a long taper.
Ten weeks out, and I'm pretty excited. It's going to be a fun summer.