Monday, January 9, 2012


This past Saturday I did specific two-a-day workout that I read about on a blog, and I think I'll start incorporating them more regularly.  In the morning, do a "long" run of 15-20 miles and a comfortable pace, then that night do a hard foot turnover workout (I did an 8 mile tempo). It gives you pretty good mileage on the day and trains your body to run fast when tired.  I'm not going to replace long run days with these, but I think I'll do them during the week every couple weeks.  The evening workout can be hellish, so they won't become frequent.

I feel really good about wear my fitness is right now. My legs are absorbing whatever I throw at them, and while I'm only running ~70-76 mpw right now compared to the 85 I was running this fall, I feel strong and faster.  I'm not slacking off so much as just focusing more since I'm not running anything longer than a 50k until August. 

This weekend I'm going out with Rudy from the VT Tri team and whoever else might decide to tag along to do back-to-back long runs.  The Saturday run will be an AT route I've wanted to do for a while but haven't since it requires stashing a car.  20 miles of singletrack with ~5500 feet of elevation gain, which is the most you can really get here without just doing hill repeats or heading north of Roanoke.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


2011 was the best year of running I had, even though my two big races went abysmally.  This fall especially, I had the best training cycle ever, with routine quality workouts instead of ust running every day.

Looking forward to 2012, I'm doing the LUS (Lynchburg Ultra Series), as well as a the Gahuti Ring Of Power down in Georgia and the Cheat Mountain 50 miler in August.  If I bounce back quickly from the CM50 then I'm going to run the Grindstone 100 in October and try to finish the Beast Series.

It'll be a fun year though, that's for sure.